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Target £8,200

Kidz In Action

Total Raised so Far
 £10,000 !

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The Tweenagers are currently in Tanzania visiting Matumaini School - they are having an amazing time.
To keep up to date with what they are doing and to see the latest pictures and videos then please visit the Tweenagers Facebook page by clicking on the link below......


Target Achieved

With the money received and with the money that has been promised we are very pleased to say we will have reached £10,000!


Thank you to every single person who contributed to this project. Whether it was a small or large amount, whether it was a monetary donation or making items for our sales, whether it was the giving of your time to help us run events ... the Tweenagers thank you!


This money is going to be spread in a number of way. We will be sending some of the money over to the school to be used for specific items they need for the children and for the school; and some of it we have purchased things to take with us - all of which we will leave with the school. We have teaching resources, craft resources, colouring activities, outdoor sports equipment, outdoor games, musical items ..... all made possible by the generosity of people.


Through everyone's kind support .... What a difference we can help to make to the children of Matumaini.

KidzInAction is a Salvation Army child-led social action programme through which children get to make a positive difference in their world. This can be a difference in local, national or global situations and children generate their own project ideas and implement them.

Through engaging with this programme, the Tweenagers of Chatham corps decided they want to do more than just something local – they want to think BIG! As a group of 11, the Tweenagers unanimously decided they want to make a positive difference in other CHILDREN’s lives, in EDUCATION and in AFRICA. 


At the beginning of 2016 through the sharing of Bible teachings, conversations and prayers the Tweenagers of Chatham Corps have chosen to partner with the Salvation Army run school ‘Matumaini’ in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.


Part of the vision of the youngsters is for this project to include not just fund raising for the school, but to incorporate a visit in 2017 to Matumaini.  


The Tweenagers have spent time exploring Mark’s gospel – focussing on where Jesus touched the lives of those around him. How he crossed social boundaries to help a man with leprosy, how he cared for those who would have been unable to help themselves, how he welcomed people with outstretched hands, however insignificant or important they were. The teaching led us to think about children without choices and challenged us to think how we care for others in the world around us. 


With their enthusiasm, passion and commitment to want to help specifically African children in education – this has very quickly outgrown the remit of KidzInAction and has become a full-blown international project. 


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